With the help of the air ticket price map, you can determine the direction of your trip depending on your budget.
We made a price map to look for cheap air tickets was even easier. Want to know more? It only takes a minute.
1 First you need to choose your city.
2 Perhaps you are interested in a one-way ticket? As a rule, a round-trip ticket will be cheaper.
3 Next, we determine the date of travel. Need weekend tickets? Or do you just want to relax in the fall? You can choose which option is right for you.
4 FLY JET can find for you exclusively direct flights, without transfers. True, sometimes such flights are more expensive.
5 It is important to decide how much time you have to travel. You can enter the number of days of interest.
6 At last we will be defined with the budget. You can write how much you plan to spend on airfare.
7 By clicking the Show on map button, you will be able to find the cheapest tickets, taking into account the set parameters.