With the help of the air ticket price map, you can determine the direction of your trip depending on your budget.
We made a price map to look for cheap air tickets was even easier. Want to know more? It only takes a minute.
1 First you need to choose your city.
2 Perhaps you are interested in a one-way ticket? As a rule, a round-trip ticket will be cheaper.
3 Next, we determine the date of travel. Need weekend tickets? Or do you just want to relax in the fall? You can choose which option is right for you.
4 FLY JET can find for you exclusively direct flights, without transfers. True, sometimes such flights are more expensive.
5 It is important to decide how much time you have to travel. You can enter the number of days of interest.
6 At last we will be defined with the budget. You can write how much you plan to spend on airfare.
7 By clicking the Show on map button, you will be able to find the cheapest tickets, taking into account the set parameters.
What should be done.
We click on the map.
In the window that opens, we see the prices for various flights. A list of filters will also be shown on the right.
Put a tick in the column Help mode. The assistant will give valuable advice.
We click on the city we need, and then click the Find button.
Let's take a closer look at how filters work.
Filter options:
choice of the city of departure.
choice of class of service.
choice of route one way.
flights at any time or you can choose a specific date.
selection of direct flights only.
visa-free stay in a particular country.
vacation duration.
number of passengers.
approximate budget allocated for the trip.